Newsletter #18: The romance of farming and filmmaking

Fine cut, picture lock, music, and sound design

Up next: Final cut, festivals, and (another) cross-Canada tour

What does romance have to do with our economy?

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Newsletter #17: A rough cut and a path to completion

I have a rough cut!

Up next: Fine cut, picture lock, music, sound, and colour

On having an all-consuming project

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Newsletter #16: The Hands that Feed Us has an assembly cut

I’ve finished the assembly cut!

Up next: Rough cut

Canada Council has given us funding!

Looking ahead: Taking the film on tour

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Newsletter #15: Tangible Progress for The Hands that Feed Us

Tangible Progress at Last!

Calling it crazy: Telling it like it is without losing people

Up next: Wearing too many hats

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Newsletter #14: Next Year for The Hands that Feed Us

Of land and Lifeboats

Up next: Pushing the boulder over the precipice

How to own a farm in China

Water where you don’t expect it

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Newsletter #13: What is “The Farming Lifestyle” anyway?

The art of avoiding money

Up next: Pushing the world out of the way to edit

FOMO: Head, drought and grasshoppers

What makes “The Farming Lifestyle” worth it?

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Newsletter #12: I learnt the meaning of “Fool’s Spring” in Alberta

Filming calving season during Fool’s Spring

Up next: Farming while I edit at O.U.R. Ecovillage

A tease of things to come

YouTube updates are back

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Newsletter #11: How do I distill eight months of farming into 90 minutes?

Editing a documentary: Way less glamourous than farming!

Up next: On the road again (for a few days)

I’m a Human Book — Read me!

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Newsletter #10: I’m done filming (for now)

I’m done filming! (for now)

So … I’ve decided I want to get a cow

Up next: Editing the film on Salt Spring Island

Shit that Goes Down on the Dairy Farm

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Newsletter #9: Crossing Canada to visit Overview Farms

Robert Overmars: the most welcoming dairy farmer in Nova Scotia

Getting paid once a year: Welcome to raising cattle

Driving across Canada — with kittens!

Filming ‘Til the Cows Come Home

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